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If you want to remove BIGO LIVE beans from your account profile and contribute list. Follow the instructions below.
You can remove received beans and clear the contribution list to 0 beans received on your BIGO LIVE account profile without removing the actual beans that were received in your wallet.
This service will make your profile look like a supporter (Gifter) BIGO account with no beans received. Whether your account has been received beans in the LIVE room or in the guest's room.
Service Details
- Service name: Remove BIGO Beans
- Service Fees: 145 US Dollar.
- Payment options: Available.
- Guaranteed: Yes.
Beans in BIGO LIVE is a virtual currency that you can receive from gifts, activities, and events. Beans can be exchanged for Diamonds or cash out real money.
You can remove Beans by exchanging them for Diamonds or Money. But the number of beans received in total will appear on your BIGO profile and anyone can know that you have received beans and see who supported you in the contribution list.
You can remove the received beans count and clear the contribution list to 0 beans received without affecting your actual beans in your BIGO wallet. To do that follow the instructions above.
Usually takes 24-48 hours.
—Make sure that you have request as described. Otherwise, your application will be rejected.
To contact BIGO LIVE support on WhatsApp, Email and contact form visit this page: Contact BIGO LIVE